Friday, December 5, 2008

December 5th, 2008 - Pair of Ducks

~20C out, cloudy and cold. 1/2 moon waning, up in the SW sky. Cloudy with little wind.

It was a crisp sort of cold today, not biting with wind. Just sort of clear and calm, with some nice sunshine. The sun didn't seem to bring any extra warmth. Looking at clouds I got the idea that it might be good to study cloud types. How many can there be? Perhaps as many names for clouds as the inuits for snow. It's impressive not only to think that people could distinguish such detail among something as seemingly simple as snow or clouds. It does beg the question as to what we modern folks know with such intimate detail...I must give this more thought.

Driving home Mr.T and I saw a pair of ducks on the pond down the street in Exeter. Zipping along the surface, the 'pair of ducks' quickly reminded me of the paradox. I can't recall where that joke comes from, but in any case I began to muse about paradox..

Earlier I read an article today in the NY times called Many Children Still Lack Stability Long After Storm (Katrina) , it totally confounded me that this could be the case. This is in great contrast to the outpouring and amazing work being done right down the street In truth both the ducks are the same, what makes them different? Why is one a tragedy and another a triumph. Just random luck? Is it destiny? Fate?

Goals- more defined

Mind -definitely need to finish the Drawing on the Right side of the Brains self study course I just got. Also the Flintknipping kit I bought is calling..Q...Q..

Body- Must finish the 5Animal5Element set, this internal set marks a huge transition for me, I'd like to move on to Hase Fu and Iron Wire. The sweet outdoors is calling, FREERUNNING! COME GET SOME!. Time to start practicing the basics on my own, there are no free runners around these parts, time to stop waiting.

Spirit- Awareness routines and sit spot time. I've begun collecting exercises to work on this mysterious Spiritual thing. Time to formalize a plan/outline.

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