Monday, January 5, 2009

Even the very Wise can't see all ends...

I find the words of Gandalf the Grey to have great meaning, not only in that as one of the Very Wise I should be humble...but that in creating one's goals it is hugely important to keep open to the fact that no one knows how they will end.

One of the over arching themes for the challenge will be to apply the 5 minute rule from Marilyn Vos Savant. That each day to do at least 5 minutes of activity. This is really effective because the thing that is most often hard to do is just to get started. If you can stop after 5 minutes, you'll likely get started (and usually do more than 5). This should be a great tool for getting around the pressure of performing and burning out.
As my Sifu is fond of saying, "We're not trying to win a revolution anymore, just put drops in the bucket." So minutes a day will add up to a full bucket before you know it.

Mind - The mind is a terrible thing, as Dan Quayle once said. But it can also be pretty cool. My goal is to continue to journal (see 5 minute rule) each day.
There are some specific books I'd like to finish as well.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (including all the exercises)
The Zone
A History of the Senses

Here are additional areas of the mind I have goals for:
Poetry- read 1 book , write some poetry- at least once a month
Sunday Crossword- I love the Sunday Crossword and we need to make it a regular thing again
Board Games- at least one night a week should be board game night...I need to reclaim status as House Scrabble Champion

Continue with Crossfit
Continue with Hung Gar training
Flexibility - need to continue to open up the shoulder girdle
Stretching (see 5 minute rule)
Hand stands(above)
Roundoff (above)
Parkour (5 minute rule)work on one of the basic moves each day


What is finally the best austerity, what is the best discipline? The best discipline is to enjoy your friends. Enjoy your meals. Realize what play is. Participate in the play, in the play of life. This is known as mahasukha, the great delight. -JC The Power of Myth

Enjoying meals is huge - the Tradition of being mindful when shopping, preparing, and eating meals is huge. We are what we eat, after all. So I'd like to develop a trigger for being mindful of the sacrifice and amazing process that brings us such incredible meals and vitality. I also plan to do at least one Spirit Plate a day, with a strech goal of one at every meal.

Meditation - practice long and short form at least 3 times a week

Learn about religions and spirituality of all kinds. My goal is to learn about a new religion or practice of spirituality each week. Write a small journal entry about each learning.

Sit spot- see 5 minute rule.

Tracking and Primitive skills- see 5 minute rule. This can be as simple as IDing a leaf, to making a bow from scratch.

As they spoke together to ease the rigors of their journey, Taran soon realized there was little that Adaon had not seen or done. He had sailed far beyond the Isle of Mona, even to the northern sea; he had worked at the potter's wheel, cast nets with the fisherfolk, woven cloth at the looms of the cottagers; and, like Taran, labored over the glowing forge. Of forest lore he had studied deeply, and Taran listened in wonder as Adaon told the ways and natures of woodland creatures, of bold badgers and cautious doormice and geese winging under the moon.
"There is much to be known," said Adaon,"and above all much to be loved, be it the turn of the seasons or the shape of a river pebble. Indeed, the more we find to love, the more we add to the measure of our hearts."
-the Black Cauldron, Lloyd Alexander

These are the goals in a nutshell.

Where I'm at-

The adventure is its own reward — but it's necessarily dangerous, having both negative and positive possibilities, all of them beyond control. -JC The Power of M yth

It's true that this adventure is necessarily dangerous, but the thing I find most hopeful is that what we do have control over is ourselves. There has been no shortage of tremendous teachers, mentors, friends, and family along the way and I'm looking forward to the adventure that lies ahead.

Adaon, sitting a little apart from the others called Taran to him. "I commend your patience," he said. "The black beast spurs Elldyr cruelly."

"I think he'll feel better once we find the cauldron," Taran said. "There will be glory enough for all to share."

Adaon smiled gravely. "Is there not glory enough in living the days given to us? You should know there is adventure in simply being among those we love and the things we love, and beauty, too.

the Black Cauldron, Lloyd Alexander


claudette said...

Great goals! I read Chi Running this summer and thought it very valuable. And I have also started "Drawing on the Right Side Of The Brain" several times, but never finished it. You have reminded me of a goal that I would be proud to accomplish, too. I will be interested in your progress.

claudette said...

And by the way, the New Years Day plunge WAS a bit chilly, but GREAT. I did not make the whole run, so sad, but I ended up pulling a hamstring slipping on some ice. I went into the water anyway and met some great people (a couple who came from Hartford to do the race first time). I am still healing the hamstring, ouch. A humbling experience.

liondormant said...

Sorry to hear about your hamstring (ACK!) but I hope you heal quickly and well.
I recall doing some "Drawing on the Right of the Brain" in an art class many years ago, and it was well worth the effort.
Much luck with your drawing, may you use both sides of your brain (front and back).